林慧雅(Gloria Lam)是香港會計師公會(HKICPA)註冊會計師及英國特許公認會計師公會 (ACCA)資深會員,先後獲得香港科技大學工商管理(會計)學士及澳洲新南威爾斯大學財務碩士學位。畢業後回港,曾於多間跨國上市公司擔任會計(Accounting)及財務規劃與分析(Financial Planning & Analysis) 要職超過15年。她亦是註冊催眠治療師(ABH)及身心語言程式學(NLP)高級執行師(ABNLP),近年致力鑽研糅合NLP及指導式遊戲治療之兒童成長發展及溝通模式。
Ms. Gloria Lam is an associate member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) and fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). She obtained her Bachelor degree (Business Administration in Accounting) from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. After getting her Master degree (Commerce in Advanced Finance) from the University of New South Wales (UNSW, Sydney Australia), she returned to Hong Kong and had been working in the Finance field in several listed MNCs for more than 15 years.
Gloria is also a registered Hypnotherapist (ABH) and a Master Practitioner of NLP (ABNLP). She has been focusing on integrating NLP with play therapy skills to developing children’s growth and enhancing communication effectiveness with children.
Gloria believes through understanding money and learning financial management will help children to be more well-balanced, organized, disciplined and independent.