NLP Master Trainer
Dr. Denise Wah is an enthusiastic and amiable trainer and counsellor with focus in the area of applied psychology and self development. She founded Life Enrich Training and Consulting Centre with a mission to bring her knowledge, expertise and experience on the table to help others who wish to take up to the next level.
Mr. Steve Mak was a graduate from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and is a holder of Bachelor degree of Global Business Management. Currently, he is a certified House-Tree-Person drawings psychologist, dream analyst and a certified NLP practitioner. Steve has been delivering extensive trainings for people who are interested in knowing more about themselves through house tree person drawings.
Mr. Eric Leung is an expert in Corporate Training, Personal Coaching,Personal Counselling, Family Coaching, Soothing in emotions for personal issues / mentally sickness / depression, Flower Therapy, Meditation Training...etc.
Francis is an Emotion-Transformation therapist / coach, registered hypnotherapist, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming master practitioner. Since graduating from University of California, Los Angeles, majoring in electrical engineering, Francis had been working in the field of information technology and computer networking for over 10 years. Since 2013, Francis has been studying many types of energy psychology. He also follows life coaches Louise Hay and Dr. Wayne Dyer in practicing the concept of self-actualization.
林慧雅(Gloria)是一位香港会计师公会(HKICPA)注册会计师及英国特许公认会计师公会 (ACCA)资深会员。她先后获得香港科技大学工商管理(会计)学士及澳洲新南威尔斯大学财务硕士学位。毕业后回港后曾于多间跨国上市公司担任会计(Accounting)及财务规划与分析(Financial Planning & Analysis) 要职。另外,她亦是一位注册催眠治疗师及身心语言程式学高级执行师,近年致力钻研柔合NLP及指导式游戏治疗于儿童成长发展及沟通模式。
Yi Du 壹渡是一名企業教練及內部培訓師,一直結合商業心理學、談判、調解等學問於商業培訓課程中。壹渡已獲取NLP及催眠導師資格,同時亦擁有靈氣(Reiki)、量子手療(Quantum Touch)、頭部能量區療癒(Access Bars)、音义治療(Tuning Fork Therapy)及時間線治療(Time Therapy)執行師資格。
蘇樂賢先生從事輔導相關行業至今,處理個案超過100個,主題演講超過150次。先後取得美國國家催眠師公會(NGH) 認證之催眠治療師 及 催眠治療發證導師; Stephen Gilligan 親授 系統催眠課程; 美國NLP訓練局(ABNLP) 認可之 NLP執行師,NLP高級執行師及美國國際身心語言程式學協會(NFNLP)之發證導師
陳雅恩女士(Ada)畢業於澳洲新英格蘭大學 (UNE) 榮譽學士 (主修專業溝通、商業管理),再於香港大學修畢圖書館及資訊管理碩士。她擁有超過二十年圖書館工作及管理經驗,曾在多間大學圖書館擔任助理圖書館館長,對資訊素養、書籍採購、電子書管理,具有豐富經驗及知識,同時,她亦是美國圖書館協會(ALA)國際會員。由於對兒童品格教學有濃厚興趣,特別關注建立孩童品格。因此,近年積極鑽研兒童教育心理學、NLP身心語言程式學、品格教育及繪本教學等。已獲得教育心理學文憑(兒童學習與成長),現為註冊(NLP)身心語言程式學高級執行師(ABNLP),並為準NLP導師。另外,她亦擔任小學各級學生之品格成長班導師。
香港資深新聞工作者 ,從事傳媒和教學30年!畢業於樹仁大學新聞系,及後於浸會大學取得國際新聞傳播碩士學位,范皓齊小姐正修讀香港城市大學的EMBA 行政人員工商管理課程!目前范皓齊小姐為自由撰稿人,身兼多項培訓導師。她為傳信人間公司擔任傳媒關係及培訓總監。
Dr. William D. Horton is an award winning hypnotist and NLP trainer. Dr. Horton is a renowned expert on the inner workings of the human mind. That is why he is known as ” The Mind Master.” He has a doctorate in Clinical Psychology and has been a keynote speaker and presenter at conferences all over the world.