Train your mind, enrich your life!

NLP Presuppositions

Since NLP does not assert itself to be anything more than a model, or a map, and does not make any claims to represent “the truth” in any absolute way, NLP does not require a person to believe in its presuppositions. Instead, NLP proposes that it is useful to behave "as if" one believed certain things, given specific contexts and reasonable limitations, if for no other reason than to "try on" new ways of thinking and perceiving to find out if they are helpful or lead to other benefits.

Since NLP does not assert itself to be anything more than a model, or a map, and does not make any claims to represent “the truth” in any absolute way, NLP does not require a person to believe in its presuppositions. Instead, NLP proposes that it is useful to behave "as if" one believed certain things, given specific contexts and reasonable limitations, if for no other reason than to "try on" new ways of thinking and perceiving to find out if they are helpful or lead to other benefits.

NLP presuppositions can be 'believed' in the same provisional spirit. While they may or may not be "true" in any absolute sense, it is useful to behave "as if" they are true for the purposes which NLP addresses.

  1. The map is not the territory -- To transmit understanding, you have to gain access to the map of the other person.
  2. There is no failure, only feedback.
  3. The meaning of communication is the response one gets.
  4. No two persons are the same.
  5. In any system, the most flexible person has the control.
  6. Usefulness is more important.
  7. Repeating the same behavior will repeat the same result.
  8. If one person can do something, anyone can learn to do it.
  9. Energy flows where attention goes.
  10. Every one chooses the best behaviour at the moment.
  11. Every one already possesses all the resources needed.
  12. There is always a positive intention behind each behavior.

The above NLP presuppositions are only part of the presuppositions, because NLP encourages continuous innovation and development!