Train your mind, enrich your life!

NGH Instructor

蘇樂賢(Ivan),畢業天主教輔仁大學心理系,畢業後前往歐洲,旅居英國一年多,回澳門後便一直從事輔導相關行業至今,處理個案超過100個,主題演講(包括講座及工作坊)超過150次。為求不斷增值自己,先後取得不同的資格及證書, 包括:

  • 美國國家催眠師公會(NGH) 認證之  催眠治療師
  • 美國國家催眠師公會(NGH) 授權之  催眠治療發證導師
  • Stephen Gilligan 親授 系統催眠課程
  • 美國NLP訓練局(ABNLP) 認可之 NLP執行師
  • 美國NLP訓練局(ABNLP) 認可之 NLP高級執行師
  • 美國國際身心語言程式學協會(NFNLP) 發證導師

Ivan Sou, graduated from Fu Jen Catholic University with a major in Psychology. Having resided in United Kingdom for over a year after completing his degree in Taiwan, ever since he moved back to Macau, he has been working in the counseling industry, handled over 100 cases, hosted more than 150 different themed workshops and talk. A motivated individual with a strong desire to learn, he has gained multiple qualifications and license throughout the year :

  • NGH Certified hypnotherapist
  • NGH Certified Instructor
  • Systemic Trance Work with Stephen Gilligan
  • ABNLP Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  • ABNLP Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  • NFNLP Certified Trainer of Neuro- Linguistic Programming